Consumer Loan Rates

Effective: 8/14/2024


Score Grade of Paper 24 Months APR* 36 Months APR* 48 Months APR* 60 Months APR* 72 Months APR* 84 Months APR*
730 + Platinum 5.25% 5.25% 5.50% 5.50% 6.00% 6.75%
680 – 729 A 5.25% 5.25% 5.75% 5.75% 6.25% 7.00%
640 – 679 B 5.50% 5.50% 6.00% 6.00% 6.50% 7.25%
600 – 639 C 6.75% 6.75% 7.00% 7.00% 7.50% 8.25%
550 - 599 D 9.50% 9.75% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 11.00%
549 or less E 11.25% 11.25% 11.25% 11.25% 11.25% 11.25%

New & Used Vehicles, Recreational Vehicles including ATV’s, Boats, Motorcycles, Motor Homes, Campers, Travel Trailers, Antique Cars, and Farm Equipment
Motor Homes & Farm Equipment are eligible for terms up to 10 years at 100% of sticker price or NADA Book Value. The interest rate will increase by 0.25% for each year after the stated rate for 84 months.
May receive a 0.25% discount if loan payment is payroll deduction or autopay.


Score Grade of Paper APR*
730 + Platinum 11.25%
680 – 729 A 12.25%
640 – 679 B 13.25%
600 – 639 C 14.25%
550 – 599 D 16.75%
549 or less E 17.50%

Personal Loans, Home Improvement Loans, Consolidation Loans up to 60 Months may receive a 0.25% discount if loan payment is payroll deduction or autopay.


Score Grade of Paper APR*
730 + Platinum 8.75%
680 – 729 A 9.75%
640 – 679 B 10.75%
600 – 639 C 11.75%
550 – 599 D 13.50%
549 or less E 15.50%

Single/Double Wide, Manufactured Homes Up to 180 Months No Down-Payment is required on Single-Wide Mobile Homes.
Down Payments on Double Wides/Manufactured Homes: We will loan up to 95% of the sticker price or NADA value, if the member owns the land. We will loan up to 90% of the sticker price or NADA value, if the member does not own the land.


Loan Type Details APR*
Share Secured Loans Secured by Certificate – 2.00% above CD rate 2.00%
Education Loans Maximum per Household $15,000.00
Proof of Enrollment or Proof of Student Loan Debt
Business Purpose Loans Maximum Repayment – 10 Years
Up to $50,000.00
Long Reach MasterCard Credit Card Maximum Amt. $10,000.00 10.90%
Demand 90 Day Note Maximum Amt. $1,000.00 10.50%